What You Need is a Great Coach!

We are dedicated to bringing out the best in you and your employees

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Charlie Chaplin, the great silent film comedy star, once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.  He came in third.  Competition is tough.  What would it be like to have a secret partner that advised you, planned with you, and was dedicated to helping you succeed by bringing out the best in you and your employees?


Surviving in an intense market with an increasingly global economy requires a willingness to make changes and accept risks at an ever more rapid pace.  Common sense business strategies taught in business schools ten years ago no longer work.  It is difficult to discern whether the new trends are only the latest “flavor of the month” fad or an opportunity to be at the “cutting edge” of a new way of doing business.  As you compete for success, someone keeps changing the rules.


As performance demands increase, many business leaders are turning to “executive coaching” for help.  A coach functions as that secret partner for your business; advising, planning, and bringing out your best. 


My wife was recently talking to a friend of hers, and mentioned that I was offering coaching.


Her friend paused, looked a little confused, and asked, “Little league, or soccer?”


Athletes have understood the value of a great coach as they pursue peak performance.  The coach reviews the performance and challenges the athlete.  A coach challenges you to do things you don’t want to do in order to become the person you want to be. 


What would it be like to have a plan for resolving conflicts, and not only resolving conflicts but also turning them into opportunities to creatively solve problems?  A coach can help you meet and transform conflict into possibility.


What would it be like to know how to maximize the effectiveness of teamwork in your company?  A coach can help you to understand the dynamics of teams and develop the guiding vision that turns teams into key assets for you.


At vPsychology for Business, Dr. John Weaver, Dr. Lynda Dahlke, and Dr. Paul Glass, business psychologists and independent consultants are dedicated to applying sound scientific psychology for your business solutions.  We offer a wide variety of services including coaching.  Call us at: (262) 789-2728 to discuss how our services can help you become more successful.  We would be happy to meet with you to learn more about your needs.